An initiative of :

Stichting Food-Info> E-numbers > E500-600

E541 : Sodium aluminium phosphate

E541 (i) : Acid sodium aluminium phosphate
E541 (iI) : Alkaline sodium aluminium phosphate

Synthetically produced from aluminium, phosphoric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Function & Characteristics:
The acid form is used in baking powder for slow baking processes at low temperature; the alkaline form is used as an emulsifier in processed cheese.

bakery products, processed cheese

Acceptable daily intake (ADI):
Up to 0,6 mg/kg bodyweight.

Side effects:
Aluminium impairs the calcium and phosphorous uptake by the body. The concentrations from E541 are generally so low that no effect is to be expected.

Dietary restrictions:
None. E541 can be used by all religious groups, vegetarians and vegans. is an initiative of Stichting Food-Info, The Netherlands

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