An initiative of :

Stichting Food-Info> E-numbers > E400-500

E417 Tara Gum

A natural polysaccharide (glactomannan), obtained from the tree Cesalpinia spinosa native to South America, but also cultivated in the Mediterranean region.

Function & characteristics:
Thickening agent

Many different products.

Acceptable Daily Intake:
None specified (temporary ADI was specified at 0,25 mg/kg body weight)

Side effects:
None known in the concentrations used, although higher concentrations bring about flatulence and bloating, due to fermentation by the intestinal microflora (in the same way as all indigestible polysaccharides). It may have laxative properties. High concentrations can not be reached in foods due to the viscosity of the product.

Dietary restrictions:
Tara gum can be used by all religious groups, vegans and vegetarians. is an initiative of Stichting Food-Info, The Netherlands

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